Announcement 공지

[세종국어문화원] 한글·한국어 유튜브 공모전 개최 Hangeul•Korean Education Video Contest

조회수 1174

세종국어문화원(Sejong Institute of Korean Language and Culture)에서 한글·한국어 유튜브 공모전 (Hangeul•Korean Education Video Contest)을 개최한다고 합니다. 

"전 세계인을 대상으로 한글·한국어 유튜브 공모전, K-Language Festa가 열립니다. 한글·한국어에 관해서라면 할 이야기가 많은 당신, 흥미롭고 참신한 이야기를 담아 교육(Study)과 이야기(Story) 영상 콘텐츠에 도전하세요.

K-Language Festa, the video contest of Hangeul and Korean education, will be held for people all around the world. If you have a lot to talk about when it comes to Hangeul and Korean, challenge yourself to Study & Story video contents with interesting and novel stories. "

1. Contest Category

a. 교육 부문(Study): 한글·한국어 교육방법이나 학습비법, 특강 또는 교육용 콘텐츠 

Category 1 - Hangeul•Korean Study: Hangeul • Korean teaching method or learning method, special lecture or educational content (puppet show, animation, etc.) that you want to share

b. 이야기 부문(Story): 한글·한국어와 관련된 다양한 주제의 이야기 콘텐츠

Category 2 - Hangul•Korean Story: Stories in the Hangeul or Korean education field, contents of various topics and contents related to Hangeul and Korean (drama, documentary, etc.)

2. Contest Schedule

a) Video Application : Jul 15, 2022 ~ Oct 9, 2022 (Apply via website)

b) Evaluation and Online Sharing

- Oct ~ Nov 2022

- Oct 9, 2022 - Due date for video application

-  Hangeul Day Party (Oct 7, 2022)

- Online theaters with videos from all over the world, and evaluation participated by online visitors

- Preliminary rounds and final rounds for the videos received

c) Final Announcement and Award Ceremony : Nov 25, 2022

* K-Language Festa 2022 Awards held both online and offline

* Online live broadcasting to the world

3. Eligibility

* 전 세계 세종학당, 한글학교 등의 한글·한국어 교육기관에 관련된 교사와 학생들 (Teachers and students involved in Hangeul•Korean education institutes such as Sejong Institute, Hangeul School, etc. around the world)

* 전 세계 한국어 교육과정이 개설된 초중고 및 대학 학과들의 교사와 학생들 (Teachers and students in elementary school, middle school, high school, and departments of university that have established Korean curriculum around the world teachers and students)

* 국내외 한글·한국어 관련 동아리, 단체, 기관 구성원들 (Members of clubs, organizations, and institutions related to Hangeul and Korean around the world)

*한글·한국어 관련 주제의 영상 콘텐츠 기획/제작에 도전해 볼 모든 콘텐츠 제작자들 (All content creators who can challenge to plan and produce video contents on Hangeul and Korean topics)

For More Information, please check the attached file. 

Any questions? KLFesta Office of Foreign Cooperation :  +82-70-7773-9955,